The Ripple Effect and How it Affects your Marketing Plan


Nobody can see into the future – it’s virtually impossible to determine every factor that will impact your marketing plan. But you can take a wholistic approach and attempt to predict every scenario and have contingency plans. A strong marketer can provide the strongest plan of attack by seeing the ripple effect of decisions and each tactic. We take the approach if we do this, then here are the possible outcomes. We then evaluate the ramifications of each to weigh if it is a viable option that will yield the best possible results for our clients. Too often key decision-makers go purely on their gut or what they feel without having a strong strategy with these scenarios mapped out and the potential outcomes taken into account. By critically thinking through each possibility, we are systematically eliminating tactics we may have thought to be the correct course of action and using data, insights, and research we craft THE successful plan with the highest probability of success.


Most people in marketing have written a point-of-view, or a POV, where you gather all of the information available, conceptualize each scenario or tactic weighing the pros and cons. Then, as the experts in our field, provide a strong recommendation on the best course of action. A POV is a crucial tool in letting your client know that you understand their business, the competitive landscape, and your craft. It also makes it easier in selling in concepts showcasing your evaluation of the ripple effects of decisions and every outcome. Backing up plans with thought-through ideas and concepts helps your client get approvals on their end as well.


This thought process of predicting outcomes and the ripple effect can be applied to every facet of the workflow and help marketers think through every scenario and how to overcome them. This is a key part of developing a strong strategy that delivers results for clients and forms long-term relationships based on trust. If a client knows you thought through every scenario and made the best decision based upon the information available, it lends credibility to the next project and securing that next piece of business.


We always try and arm our clients with all of the information and support to get approval and ultimately, make them look good to their superiors. Your goal as an agency is to get your primary client promoted – this is essential to growing the business from within the organization. That and internal referrals all contribute to organic growth within a brand. Every client I have ever worked on, I have grown our business within an organization, and I attribute this to:

·      Forging great relationships

·      Providing well thought through marketing plans with the highest potential for success

·      Delivering results

·      Creative thinking

·      Challenging the status quo

·      Easy to work with and fun


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